
After several months of use of the media installation ZeitzeugenFragen (Contemporary Witness Questions) in the "#Proberaum" - the test laboratory for new exhibition formats of the Haus der Geschichte (History Museum) in Bonn - the exhibition moved to the rooms of the Museum in der Kulturbrauerei (former brewery and now a cultural centre) in Berlin for further use in March 2023.

The modularly designed installation was individually adapted to the spatial conditions on site. The Haus der Geschichte was thus able to evaluate visitor movements and interactions with a modified arrangement of the individual components.

Space for Dialogue

After its use in the large foyer at the Haus der Geschichte in Bonn, the installation has found a place in the Museum in der Kulturbrauerei in Berlin in a somewhat smaller space.

The smaller room format leads to a more compact arrangement of the components. The postcards, through which the dialogue with the contemporary witnesses is initiated at the interactive terminals, are now located on either side of the central video element and thus closer to it.

The media stations for the more in-depth unfolding of the thematic world are located to the side and on the opposite side of the room, creating a circular arrangement around the visitors and provides an interesting variation on the linear arrangement in Bonn.



For / Stiftung Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Location / Museum in der Kulturbrauerei, Berlin

Year / 2023

Area / Interactive Experiences

Services / 

Conception / Architecture / Design / Software Development / Media Technology / Installation / Support

Photos: Marius Koepcke, Guido Stegmann